PTG News
Michael Harrop - May 26, 2024
You do not have to be involved in every meeting or event, just when your schedule allows would be greatly appreciated. We would love to meet you! We hold two meetings each term, one in week 2 and one in week 7 at 7pm, some are held in person in the staff room and some are on zoom to accommodate all, these meetings go for around an hour. We discuss upcoming events and items that the school would love to bring to our Tamariki, to make their Silverdale experience the best we can, please consider joining us.
Keep in touch:
Like our Facebook page:
Join our Facebook Group: “Friends of the PTG - SNS”
Our current fundraisers are going towards new sports uniforms for Silverdale School. This term we have:
Iceblock Fridays: we still have a few iceblocks left so on sunny Friday afternoons they will be available for $1 each, under the big tree 3pm
Oxford pies: Forms will come home this week, they are then due back 12th June 3pm, and pick up from school will be the 21st June. Copies of the forms are also attached to this newsletter and have been emailed to families.
End of Term Lunch: We will confirm a date closer to the end of term. If anyone is interested in helping on the day to pack orders and cook sausages we would greatly appreciate the help.
Community Fundraiser PJ Day: we will be having our annual PJ day on Friday 21st June where you get to come to school in your pjs. If you would like to donate a new pair of pjs, underware, socks, soft toys or a gold coin (which we use to purchase pjs) we collect these on the day and we donate these items to Waikids at the Waikato hospital and they are greatly appreciated.
Other items:
Paper bags: if you have any spare paper grocery bags we would love them to help us put together different orders during the year. Please drop any off at the office.
Do you have any spare craft items that you could donate to Mrs Morgan's Chill Craft Zone that she runs during two lunch times a week? Items like: pompoms, iceblock sticks, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, & glue sticks. If so please drop off at the school office. Thank you!
Next Meeting: Term 2 Week 7 2024 - Date to be confirmed