Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

PTG News

Priscilla Thatcher —

The Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is a group of parents and teachers that work to create fun events for the kids and fundraise for the school. We always welcome new members - we’d love to see some new faces at our meetings. If you can’t commit to meetings but would like to help out at events, please let us know. We especially need parents that can help out during the day occasionally.

  • End of Term Lunch - Sausage Sizzle - Thursday, 8th July. Orders forms are coming home this week. All orders must be in by 3pm Monday, 5th July please.

  • Oxford Pies - Orders have now closed. Pies will be delivered to school Thursday, 1st July - Pick up from the kitchen.

  • Friday Ice Blocks - We will sell ice blocks this term on fine Fridays. Mini popsicles $1, juicies $1.50. 

  • SchoolPickUp - This is a new way for us to fundraise. It's an online shopping platform, where 50% of profits come back to the school. There are heaps of items for sale on here, so check it out. https://www.schoolpickup.nz/pages/silverdale-normal-school

    Can you help? We really need a few parents who are available to help occasionally during the day. For example, on the last day of term for end of term lunch, or when we are sorting pies, etc. If you might be able to help, please let us know - email
