Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

Please Keep Saving Your Yummy Apple Stickers

Priscilla Thatcher —

Each year we earn sports equipment from these stickers, so we ask you to save all your stickers from fruit you purchase. There are three differing sheets for these labels, all of which are attached to this newsletter.

We get double points for the Sweet Tango, Lemonade and Ambrosia stickers, so please adhere these ones to the appropriate collection sheet (the one with the trees).  It makes collation so much easier for us.

Yummy apples are available from New World, Pak'n Save and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear we will receive. Sticker collection sheets are available from the School Office or from the Yummy Fruit Company’s website. https://www.yummyfruit.co.nz/schools/.  Forms are also attached below. These stickers are collated and sent away in late September every year.