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Digital Newsletters

Michael Harrop —

We are moving to an online format for our Newsletter communication.

Acting on community feedback we collected last year, it seemed that most people prefer to read our newsletters on their digital devices rather than paper. Mostly we hear that these end up living with the unwanted apple cores in the bottom of school bags! 

Communication is very important to us, and although we may not always get it right, we want to be responsive to our community and do what works for you to get our messages out.

The purpose of our newsletter is to give you a heads up on changes and things happening around the school, but also it's a chance to celebrate our amazing learners and their learning. 

We hope that you find our new format easy to read and find the information that you need. As we make better use of this tool over the coming weeks, your newsletter items will contain videos, links and images that will bring richness to the stories you read and help you get a better idea of what is happening here at school. There is also a feature that uses Google Translate to change all text in our newsletter to a huge number of different languages. In a diverse, multicultural community such as ours - this is a great feature!

We will also have several printed copies of our newsletters available at our school office should anyone still need a hard copy.

So have a click around and see what you think. Later in the year we will put out a survey to see what you think of the new format.