Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

End of Year Assembly 2021

Michael Harrop —

With the ever changing restrictions, we sure have been kept on our toes! We have made a plan to help us best finish off the year under the current situation.

We so value getting together as a school whānau, and celebrating the year together means so very much to us. As has been the way with so many things recently, we have had to think differently about our final assembly and make the most of the situation. So we will be doing things differently. Although we know we will be moving into the new Traffic Light Framework, as yet there has been no guidance from the Ministry of Education as to our restrictions and health and safety measures. 

We therefore have to plan with what we know now. This means that sadly we are unable to invite our parents, friends and whānau to join us physically for our assemblies. We will be however finding a solution to enable our assemblies to be live-streamed so you can join us virtually. 

To enable our students to meet together and have enough space between learners, this year we will be having TWO assemblies. One will be a Junior Team assembly, and the other will be a combined Middle and Senior Team assembly. 

Both assemblies will happen on Tuesday, 7 December.

  • Junior assembly will begin at 9.30am
  • Middle / Senior Assembly will begin approximately 10.00am

The assemblies will focus on congratulating all students on a successful year, and giving out several awards per classroom. There will also be an opportunity for our Year 6 leavers to be formally farewelled. 

We know this is not ideal - and not at all how we had planned on finishing the year. I can understand that there may be some disappointed families out there who had hoped to attend. Please know we share this disappointment! 

We are grateful however that we can gather together as a school even in this way. 

Thank you for your understanding and support!