Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

Ruben the Road Safety Bear Visits our School

Priscilla Thatcher —

Ruben the Road Safety Bear travels around the Waikato Region teaching children about road safety. He made a visit to our Junior Syndicate students on Friday, 14th May.

Ruben teaches foundation road safety skills to children. Helping children learn about keeping safe around roads and traffic gives Ruben a buzz.

Road Safety messages to remember

Seat yourself right, buckle in tight - It's safest to use a booster seat until you're at lease 148cm tall

Helmets on right and tight - Wear your helmet every time you ride your bike or scooter

Look out for sneaky driveways - It is safest to play in outdoor areas that are fenced and away from driveways and vehicles.

Stop, Look, Listen and Link - Choose the safest place to cross the road.

Be Bright, dress bright - When wearing bright colours you are more noticeable to other road users. 

Ruben and his friends star in a fun and exciting road safety adventure. Watch this film to learn all of Ruben's important road safety messages.  
