Hero video
Beeswax Wraps: Use them in so many ways.
Video by Alana Curry

Beeswax Wraps - Support our School Fundraiser.

Alana Curry —

Our latest PTG fundraiser for our community. The last day for orders is this Friday, 28th May.

Beeswax wraps

Hey parents! Do you wanna have something to wrap your kids’ food and yours' too! Are your kids complaining about how their peanut butter sandwiches are smearing peanut butter on their apples? Well, beeswax wraps are just the thing for you!

Beeswax wraps can be used in many ways such as wrapping avocados, sandwiches and half-cut food for school lunches.

Beeswax wraps are also very good for the environment. Instead of using those fiddly single-use gladwraps- that will probably end up in the ocean somewhere, beeswax wraps will last a good few years, still retaining their signature stickiness for all of their life.

Plus some of the money raised will go back to the school. Isn't this all amazing? It's a win-win for you, the senior school students- and even the environment!

This written promotion was a collaboration between Jacob, Maddison, and Olive. 

An order form has been printed and sent home with your child or you can Order Online here: https://forms.gle/d9Mzhiy871sy8Zt1A

The printable order form is also attached if you would like to offer it to your wider family or work colleagues.