Hero photograph
Photo by Michael Harrop

Donation received! Thanks Silverdale!

Michael Harrop —

Our PJ Day donation has now been dropped off to the team at Waikids.

Thanks again Silverdale Community. Last week a group of our students (supported by some willing parents!) on our behalf, presented our donation to support the good work that happens up at Waikids in the Waikato Hospital. All the PJs, toys, undies and other items that were donated make a MASSIVE difference to all the unwell and injured children that spend time up at the hospital. To get a nice new pair of PJs to keep and to cuddle up to a new toy is just the thing to make a stay in hospital feel a bit more like home. 

If you get the chance to visit the Waikids team yourself sometime, check out their amazing facility (I really love the sensory room) and don't forget to tell them you're from Silverdale - they'll probably want to give you a high five!