Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

South East Hamilton Schools' Winter Sports Day

Priscilla Thatcher —

On Thursday, 26th May our senior school students had a great day out participating in South East Hamilton Schools' Winter Sports Day.

"When we were walking up to the university for winter sports I was feeling excited and nervous. I could tell that others around me were feeling the same. Once at the field I put on my shin pads, then we all headed over to listen to the introductory speech. On our first game I really enjoyed being a defender for our soccer team. I found the whole experience really fun and exciting. After each game I was really proud of the team I was in, even if we did lose a couple of games."

Astrid - Room 15

"I put on my Hockey gear and I lined up. I walked talking to my friends, shaking, as I was nervous if people were going to judge me. I arrived at St John's College where we seated ourselves on the pavement beside a grassy hill. The other Silverdale team was on, I leapt to my feet and cheered on the team, I don't quite remember who won but it made me excited for the first game for us. We versed Marian and I found someone who I go to hockey practice with. We lost but it was very fun. We had four more games, only winning one. I loved it and I wish I could do it again."

Archer - Room 15