Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

Yummy Apple Stickers and Sports Equipment

Priscilla Thatcher —

The Yummy sticker promotion is on again for 2022, time to get crunching and collecting those stickers. The Yummy Fruit Company are excited to be celebrating their 25th anniversary of running this promotion for schools.

Everything is basically the same as previous years, sticker charts are the same and available on their website and can be downloaded from this newsletter. One thing you may find, are some Hailstone Hero apple bags.  Yummy had a wild spring storm hit then in Hawkes Bay, damaging a significant amount of their apple crop with hail. Although these look funny, they still taste yummy. The official cut-out is not on these bags, but we can collect the round bar-code sticker as 10 points. These are Yummy apples but branded Hailstone Heroes and available in both New World and Pak’n Saves. 

Remember - The more stickers and labels we receive from you, the more complimentary equipment we can receive for the school later in the year.

Sticker and label sheets can also be collected  from the School Office.