Hero photograph
Photo by Priscilla Thatcher

PTG News

Priscilla Thatcher —

Please take the time to check out the Parent Teacher Group happenings below

  • PTG Officer nomination forms are at the school office, for the positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  • Next meeting: AGM. Thursday 27 October, 7pm, at the school staff room. Followed by supper and our ordinary meeting. Please come along!
  • Thank you for the great response for Wacky Wednesday we raised …….. For Kidscan.
  • Ice block Fridays to start again next term on Friday afternoons $1 for an iceblock, $1.50 for Juicies.

We always welcome new members - we’d love to see some new faces at our meetings. If you can’t commit to meetings but would like to help out at events, please let us know through Facebook or email. We especially need parents that can help out during the day occasionally, and with events like:

  • Sausage sizzles
  • End of term lunches
  • Putting together fundraising orders,
  • Donation collections,
  • Selling ice blocks on a Friday afternoon
  • Help at our disco stalls.

Please share your ideas and feedback with us through facebook, email or meetings.

Keep in touch: