by Priscilla Thatcher

BOT member: Chloe Stantiall

Priscilla ThatcherSeptember 27, 2022

Staff Representative on the Board of Trustees

Kia ora koutou,

My name is Chloe and I’m excited to be the new kaiako representative on the Board of Trustees. I am a kaiako in room 13, with year 5-6 students, and love it! I consider it a real privilege to be a part of the whānau at Silverdale kura.

A few things about me…

  • I was born and raised in the Waikato, attending local schools and our university. For me, the Waikato is and always will be home.
  • I have been learning te reo māori for a few years and love the challenge of using and teaching it in my classroom. This is an area where I am very much a beginner and want to continue to grow in. I’m always keen to have a kōrero with anyone who is passionate about it too.
  • When I’m not at work I like to be outdoors; in the garden, the forest, by the river or ideally - at the beach. Though I’m not about to give up my day job to pursue any of these, I do really love running, biking, surfing, mowing the lawns, playing sports, snowboarding and lockdown puzzles.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent you all on our school Board of Trustees.

Ngā mihi,

Chloe Stantiall

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