BOT member: Claire Coleman
Member of the Board of Trustees
Kia ora
I am Claire, a Senior Lecturer within Te Kura Toi Tangata, University of Waikato, where I teach drama and pedagogy as part of the Initial Teacher Education programme. Your kids may know me, however, as that drama lady or Finnian and Theo’s mum!
I have worked in various areas of leadership within teacher education and recognise the responsibility and privilege of working with schools. My areas of research interest include process drama, social justice, ILEs, creative pedagogies and teacher education. I am active within the arts and teacher education community and recently co-edited a Teachers and Curriculum Special Issue: The Arts Will Find a Way: Breaking through and moving forward. I have supervised students on placement at Silverdale and engaged in various research projects alongside many of the staff at the school.
I have two lively boys who attend Silverdale and have enjoyed being part of the school community over the last five years. I am passionate about embodied and creative pedagogies for transformative education and dedicated to inclusive practices that enhance opportunities for the tamariki (children) of Aotearoa New Zealand.
I welcome the opportunity to support the school as a BOT member.