Hero photograph
Photo by Pamela Gallagher

Faith Facts

Pamela Gallagher —

Parihaka - 5 November “Turn the other cheek” is a directive that comes from Jesus himself (cf. Mt 5:39; Lk 6:29).

It is a ‘hard ask’. In the face of injustice what often first comes to mind is retaliation. The people of Parihaka encountered grave injustice. Hostile colonial forces invaded their streets, fields and homes on 5 November 1881. How did they respond?...Inspired by Scripture and prophetic courage, they decided to ‘fight’ violence not with more violence but with peace. They turned their cheek, and sang in their streets and offered bread to the invaders. Only faith in God can explain such a conciliatory response. The story of the peaceful resistance of the people of Parihaka is a treasure in the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. (Extract from Parihaka Past and Present (Caritas, 2015) 

World Day of the Poor – 19 November

“ This, the seventh annual World Day of the Poor, is a fruitful sign of the Father’s mercy and a support for the lives of our communities. As its celebration becomes more and more rooted in the pastoral life of the Church, it enables us to discover ever anew the heart of the Gospel. Our daily efforts to welcome the poor are still not enough. A great river of poverty is traversing our cities and swelling to the point of overflowing; it seems to overwhelm us, so great are the needs of our brothers and sisters who plead for our help, support and solidarity. For this reason, on the Sunday before the Solemnity of Jesus Christ King of the Universe, we gather around his Table to receive from him once more the gift and strength to live lives of poverty and to serve the poor.” Pope Francis, 13th June 2023

As well as praying for an end to poverty, what action can you take in your community to help the poor?