Pamela Gallagher — Dec 8, 2020

The Shepherds' Candle, symbolizing joy. The third candle which is pink or rose, represents Gaudete Sunday and the joy that the birth of Christ brought to the world.

Traditionally, on Gaudette Sunday you can take a break from Advent fasting to experience the joy of the day. The Shepherd's candle is sometimes white instead of rose or pink. This week will be joyful for many as we start the Christmas School Holidays. Enjoy. 

Every blessing for a safe and happy Christmas Season.

In this final chapter of Fratelli tutti , the pope asserts the essential role that the different religions of the world should play in fostering universal fraternity. Pope Francis calls for greater collaboration among religions “for the common good and the promotion of the poor” (282). Finally, Pope Francis quotes directly from the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” which he signed in February 2019 with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi, committing again, in the name of God, to a path of peace and dialogue toward greater human fraternity.