Hero photograph
Photo by Pamela Gallagher


Pamela Gallagher —

As we move towards the last few weeks of this term the Jesus Strand will be covered in all classes in Religious Education.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

In their study of Jesus Christ Hehu Karaiti, children and young people will gain and apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to understand and integrate into their lives:

1) That Jesus Hehu is God Atua, fully human and fully divine – second person of the Trinity.

2) That Jesus as Mātāmua firstborn, and Tuakana elder brother of all, whose life is a model for all Christians.

3) That people who believe in Jesus Hehu through the grace of the Holy Spirit Te Wairua Tapu are invited into a loving relationship with Jesus, to follow him as his disciples and live his way through conversion of heart through faith, hope and charity with tika justice, pono integrity and aroha love as embodied in the Catholic Social Teaching.

4) That there are various ways Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, is present today in people, the world, and in the Church especially in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

5) That Jesus’ mission is as saviour and redeemer and that as members of the Church he calls children to be part of it.

6) That Scripture shows that Jesus, God’s Son, reveals to the world that God is Atua loving Father Matua.

Below is a summary of the teaching that will happen in each class.

Korora: Jesus My Friend

Catholics believe that Jesus is both human and divine. As a human, Jesus was born into a particular culture, lived in a certain location in a precise time in history. To appreciate Jesus' messages we need to know the realities of his life. In learning about his friendship with his disciples, we can become friends with him today.

Kea: Jesus Showed His Love in Different Ways

Jesus showed his respect and love for people in many ways - talking, listening, sharing, touching, healing and dying, for them. We are called to follow Jesus'

example. We can learn about how Jesus lived by reading stories in the Bible.

Kakapo: Jesus Gives Himself in the Eucharist

We can give thanks to God for Jesus by joining in the Eucharist. Eucharist helps us

to grow in grace and recognise Jesus' presence in the gathering of his people, ministers and Word. Above all, people recognise him in the transformed bread and wine.

Ruru/The Life of Jesus

Catholic belief is that Jesus called Christ is both human and divine. We need to understand Jesus; reality. To appreciate his message we can study and reflect on the scriptures.


Jesus - the Fullness of God’s Revelation

Jesus, the Son of God who revealed the intimate loving nature of God by calling God Abba. In his mission on earth Jesus called people to repent and enter a life of faith, hope and love. This is expressed in worship and Christian action. Jesus’ whole life was lived in love for God and people.

Tui/Whio: Jesus - Saviour Liberator

Through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus saves people from sin and death. As risen Lord, he is with his people, freeing them from all that prevents them from responding as disciples in faith and love.