Ben Gorman — Apr 16, 2021

This weeks virtue is Aroha never see a need without doing something about it! It has been written by Gianna Houghton and Emily Leversha when they were "Principal for a Day" in Term One.

If you see someone being hurt or bullied go and help, do something about it. Don't be a bystander, be an upstander and help out.

Mary Helen MacKillop RSJ was an Australian religious sister who has been declared a saint by the Catholic Church, as St Mary of the Cross.

She is of Scottish descent, she was born in Melbourne but is best known for her activities in South Australia. She is the first Australian to be recognised by the Catholic Church as a saint.

She was born on 15 January 1842 and died 8 August 1909 she was born in Australia and lived in Melbourne and died in North Sydney Australia. Over 130 years ago - St Mary MacKillop visited Rangiora while visiting some of her sisters in New Zealand.