by Pamela Gallagher

Bread Tags for Wheelchairs

This term the Young Vinnies team will be working alongside the organisation called ‘Bread tags for Wheelchairs’.

 This is an organisation who collect the plastic bread tags and sell them to a plastics company who then in turn give them money. They use this money to help purchase wheelchairs for people in a town within the country of South Africa. When the organisation first began they were collecting enough bread tags to be giving out 2 - 3 wheelchairs a month! This has had a huge impact on the town and now they wish to spread this nationally and internationally.

What we are asking of you is that every time you eat a loaf of bread (remember it’s for a good cause ) to put the bread tags into a jar or bag and drop into the large container in our school office.

Extra Information about the Bread Tag appeal can be found here:

Further information on the organisation can be found at:

Bread Tag Article

Warmest regards

The Young Vinnies Members

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