Hero photograph
College Ball, 20/8/22

Ball Magnificent Ball

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The College's first Ball in three years was a most wonderful event, held at Dunedin's Glenfalloch Gardens on the Otago Peninsula on Saturday, 20 August 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately led to the last two annual Ball's having to be cancelled at the last minute but thankfully that wasn't necessary this year.

The 2022 Ball was magnificent and thoroughly enjoyed by all as is evident from the accompanying photos.

College Ball, 20/8/22

It was exceptionally well-organised by the Ball Committee under the very able leadership of Aaron Hewson, the Social Rep on the Members' Association Executive Committee (the Exec).

College Ball, 20/8/22

The Ball Committee thought of everything and made sure the Ball was pure magic. The Committee comprised the followed Members: Kakneka Nem, Angela Cuizon, Isabella Tunnicliffe, Grace Shaw, Iris Wu, Cindy Chou, Esme Hewitt, Julia Tan and Yuki Yoshiyasu. Congratulations to them all for all they did to organise such a fantastic event.

College Ball, 20/8/22
College Ball, 20/8/22

To build anticipation and excitement, the Secret Garden Night Ball theme was revealed on 2 June followed three days later by the location reveal, all done on the College's in-house app Raftr and Instagram.

College Ball, 20/8/22
2022 Ball Location Reveal Video Aaron Hewson
College Ball, 20/8/22

Prior to being transported to Glenfalloch on the buses specially hired from the Otago Heritage Bus Society, a pre-ball function was held in the College's Valentine Common Room (VCR), catered for by the College's wonderful Kitchen Staff including Beth Henderson who created the most amazing garden-themed cupcakes:

College Ball, 20/8/22
College Ball, 20/8/22

Aaron and the Ball Committee thought of everything for the night, creating a very special night of memories for all the 170 or so Members who attended. Take a look at this drone footage that Aaron took just as the night was getting underway:

2022 St Margaret's College Ball Aaron Hewson

You have to agree, it was magical!

The College is immensely grateful to Aaron and his Ball Committee for all their effort.

A Ball never to be forgotten!

College Ball, 20/8/22

(Story by the Master, Dr Charles Tustin)