Hero photograph
Valedictory Dinner - 8 October 2017
Photo by Sandra Mathew

Wonderful Valedictory dinner

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The College's Valedictory Dinner took place on Sunday, 8 October and what a wonderful occasion it was.

In his opening welcome to the very full Norris Dining Hall, the Master noted that a Valedictory Dinner was a farewell dinner – the final formal dinner for 2017 - where we reminisce about the events of the year gone by, reflect on what we have achieved and learned, and bid goodbye to fellow College Members.

A Valedictory Dinner is also a time of celebration where we recognise our many contributions to the community of St Margaret’s College and beyond.

In this regard, 354 certificates were awarded acknowledging the respective contributions (sport, cultural, music, choir, Ball, magazine, mentoring, tutoring and community service) of Members during the year. Trophies, Cups and Special Awards were awarded to 48 Members.

We were privileged to have the company of Dr David Clark, the Member of Parliament for Dunedin North, as our guest speaker. In his address, Dr Clark encouraged students to reflect on those elements that make St Margaret's such a wonderful community of people and do their best to replicate something similar out in the real world.

The evening included a pre-dinner gathering  in the Valentine Common Room for guests, Welfare Staff and the Executive following which guests and Members were piped in to the Norris Dining Hall by Sam Darling, a bagpiper and Otago student. Members were also treated to a haggis ceremony performed in the traditional Scottish manner after the certificates were presented.

Welfare Staff were sincerely thanked by Dr Tustin and each departing  Welfare Staff Member received a special gift from the College for their huge contributions to the life of the College. Likewise, the Executive Committee Members were also appreciated  with a gift. 

Capably led by Bede Beaumont, the Food Services staff provided a top quality three-course meal (see photos of the menu and food) and Members enjoyed being waited on! 

The musical interludes during the evening were amazing and included singers, guitar, jazz band, piano, violins and of course the choir who performed two items - a lively Abba medley and Hambalulu. We are certainly blessed with musical talent at St Margaret's.

With the excitement of  the Valedictory Dinner behind us, Members' attention is now focused on the upcoming examinations which begin on 18 October.

(Story by the Master, Dr Charles Tustin)