Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.


The PTA Wine and Cheese is on next Thursday, 30th March. The keynote speaker Daniel Caigou will give parents information on how to navigate the digital world to help children to thrive, not just survive!


At the end of the term your child will receive an athon activity and sponsorship card. The activity card is designed by the eco council and Mrs Englefield this year and the theme is Sustainability. This is a big fundraiser for us with lots of holiday activities and an opportunity to get sponsors to support the commitment the PTA makes to the school. This includes help with such things as purchasing books, technology, an annual cultural activity, buses for Aotearoa NZ trips as well as paying for parents to attend camp. We need your support with this fundraiser and your whānau will undertake some sustainability activities.  A "win, win" for everyone!


Thank you to those who give us information about children's absences. Please be specific, this helps us communicate to other parents if necessary. eg sick- flu, sick- cough and runny nose, sick- chicken pox, etc.  If a child  is sick for 3 or more days  then a doctor's certificate is required. After 3 days we will also provide the digital platform if you wish your child to use it.

COVID is coded differently, please give us Day 0 and if anyone else in the household has COVID please also let us know. If a parent has COVID then in this case your child can still attend school but MUST wear a mask. We are getting a few cases of COVID and will keep you informed if a pattern appears.

Term 2 Dates

School begins on Wednesday 26 April. The 24 April is Teachers Only Day across the cluster and 25 April ANZAC Day. The term ends on Thursday, 30 June.