Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Proudfoot

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

This has been a busy week with the final Celebration of Learning for our Creatives unit and the start of the Year 6 Cycle Safety  Programme. We have also had Greg and Alesha finish the new seat by the junior adventure playground. This will be a great spot for whānau to sit and watch their tamariki while they play. We are very fortunate to have Greg's skills and Alesha's willingness to help!!

Today it was wonderful to see the Year 4 Celebration of Learning. They are looking forward to sharing their video with you.

We are currently underway with the class placements. Can you please inform the office if your child is not returning next year.

Tomorrow is Canterbury Anniversary SCHOOL IS CLOSED. Enjoy the day!