Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

We are back into the swing of things here at school with tamariki (and staff) adjusting to bubbles, different play areas and timings of breaks. While out on duty yesterday I reflected on how well everyone has adjusted and that they are just getting on with things!!

I know some of you are feeling nervous as you hear about classes and schools closing in other parts of NZ and I have covered our general plans in the Covid update to ensure our tamariki keep learning.

You will be sent a survey today to help with our planning - please return by Friday 18 February.

Due to organisational arrangements sausage sizzle tomorrow will be different. See the  separate article. The money will be collected in class tomorrow morning.

There is  some misinformation on social media that schools will be vaccinating children. This is incorrect. We are educators not vaccinators. Some schools may be asked to be venues for vaccination for those parents who choose to have their children vaccinated.  If a school is approached, the Board of Trustees will decide if they wish to be a venue and will  communicate with their community.  If this opportunity arises it will be up to the parent to make the choice as to whether their child is vaccinated. We are not one of those schools at this stage.

On Friday, 25 February we will be having our first digital assembly of the year and we will send you details as to how you can join us wherever you might be!!!