Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Last night at the Kahukura Festival memories were made. Even with a delayed start the lasting memory for me will always be walking out onto the staging area and watching our tamariki as they saw you all cheering and clapping.  The wait was worth it!! It felt like it might have been the Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo festival at that stage of the evening so thank you so much for persevering. Thank you to our wonderful tamariki for making the night special for our community with their performance.

This festival combined schools choirs and performing arts groups as we haven't had  our cluster music festival or kapahaka festival for two years. We wanted our tamariki and communities to have an opportunity to see the talent in our schools. It's understandable that each school wanted to showcase their talent!

It was also special for the tamariki having staff members support them from the "wings" and joining in the singing. Thank you to our team.

I'd like to thank  Jane Brittenden, Daniel Caigou for their organisation and overall responsibility for the choirs and kapahaka groups. Also thanks to Danielle Thomson, Kirsten Kotoul, Julie Welbeloved, Rebecca Whitehead and Anewa Aitkins for their help.

Prior to the festival Miss Horne and I enjoyed watching Somerfield vs Somerfield at basketball. We cheered for Somerfield and Somerfield won! It was wonderful to see ex Somerfield Kids coaching and carry out referee duties. Our tamariki are so lucky to be supported by their parent coaches, parent supporters and of course Kathy Burrows, chief coach!!

Congratulations to the tamariki, staff and parents from Spaces 8,9,10,11,12, and 21 who survived their adventure in the hills yesterday. Check out the photos. Thank you to all the parent helps.

Thank you for your support of our teachers today allowing them to attend their union meeting.

Can you please let the office know if your child is not returning to Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo in 2023.