Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Strum, Strike Blow

Julie Bassett —

Last night our Ukulele orchestra joined forces with 29 other schools to participate in Strum Strike Blow at Christchurch arena

Last night our Ukulele orchestra joined forces with 29 other schools to participate in Strum Strike Blow at Christchurch arena. A wonderful concert of ukuleles, marimbas, recorders and singers. All the hard practice paid off and they did themselves proud learning 8 ukulele songs in a short space of time with rhythm and energy. The highlight was being only one of 2 groups to be invited to perform an individual item. Together with Cashmere and Addington primary schools from our Kahukura cluster they performed Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder. A special mention to Maia McIntosh from Year 4 for her outstanding singing solo for this. A huge thanks to teachers Ally and Matty for their efforts with this group.

The ukulele orchestra is looking for more members for Year 3s and up. They meet at lunchtimes on Tuesdays and learn fun, modern songs together. Please email j.brittenden@somerfield.school.nz if your tamariki is interested in joining.