Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all

Life at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo continues at pace - Alert Level 2 or not.

This week our tamariki competed at the ZoneTournament, not quite the same without us all there to cheer them on but a good time was had by all. Once again we proved to be competitive getting two teams in the Centrals.

Monday was busy for a group of student leaders and Mr Caigou who started on the construction of the chicken coop. Thank you to Simon Watson, Bridget Macfarlane and Shane Nolan for their time and construction skills. You can see the time sequence here (link) and meet the chickens here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSvKxhl1NM. We will welcome them to their Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo home soon.

Today was our Book Character Parade and thank you once again to Matt van Vugt and his drone for videoing the parade. You will be able to see this on our website soon.  Thank you to those who have purchased books from our Book Fair. Not only are you encouraging your child's love of reading but you're also helping us stock our library book shelves. Thank you! Last day is tomorrow. You can come in before school 8:30 - 9:30am or from 2:30pm - 3:30pm. We are contact tracing at the hall.

Thank you to Julie Welbeloved and her team of parents who are manning this book fair!

I have been getting a lot of feedback about our playgrounds in the weekend. Thankfully most of it is positive, but unfortunately there has been some disrespectful behaviour. Thank you for speaking to these folk. We are working with South Intermediate to encourage appropriate behaviour and will have new signage soon. I feel the positive outweighs the negative and your continued vigilance will help discourage poor behaviour.  We'd also like you to encourage the Pack in and Pack out message!

The final asphalting for this area will be completed in the holidays. With a bit of rain (and watering) and the sun shining we are hoping our grass will be ready sometime at the beginning/middle of Term 4. We have tables going in the area between the small adventure playground and the bike track as well as by the Mokihi playground so you can enjoy a picnic while watching your tamariki play!

A huge thank you to whanau and Native Aotearoa tamariki for their hard work planting 700 plants last Friday. Native Aotearoa came up with the vision for the forest so were very excited to be part of its planting!

Once again we wait for the Prime Minister's announcement on Friday night. We will set a new disco date before the end of the term and will announce it next week, depending on what is happening! As you can imagine it is the thing I get asked about most!!

Alert Level 2

No Friday sport

No full school assembly

New Parent Morning tea Wednesday going ahead

We are waiting for the PM's announcement and will let you know next week what else is on or not!

Scarlet Fever

We have been informed that some schools are experiencing cases of Scarlet Fever. We have NOT had these reports but it will pay to be vigilant. Below is information. If your child has symptoms contact your doctor as they will need antibiotics if they actually have the fever. Also contact the school and keep them at home.

Scarlet Fever Information:

Scarlet fever is the same illness as strep throat, but with a skin rash. Scarlet fever can also lead to rheumatic fever – and to other illnesses, like pneumonia or infections. The main symptom of scarlet fever is a red rash that feels rough. It usually begins on your chest, spreading to your neck, abdomen and arms. People with scarlet fever may have flushed cheeks and a red or white ‘strawberry tongue’. If you or a family member has this type of rash and a sore throat, get to the doctor quickly so they can check it out.