Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

New School APP

Denise Torrey —

Please email k.englefield@somerfield.school.nz if you still have a problem logging on to this new app.

Over the last year teachers at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo have developed their understanding of a new real time reporting system called Spotlight. As the name suggests Spotlight provides parents with the opportunity to log into a portal via an app to view their child’s progress and evidence of learning throughout the year.

From term two, next learning steps in reading, writing and maths and work samples evidencing learning progress will be uploaded on an ongoing basis for each child in the school. In addition to this there will be a focus on the SMARTs and your child’s development in these capabilities. Alongside this you will also receive a mid and end of year report for your child/children.

Click here to view the video shared at the Getting Connected interviews which explains the functionality of the app.

The app is a great way to connect with the school and gives parents and caregivers up to date information about events on the calendar.

The school is in the process of finalising the parent details and email addresses given at the Getting Connected for those who did not receive a username and log in automatically by email. You will receive an email before Friday with the information you need to get connected if this was the case for you.

If you have any problems with the app next week please email:

