Sports - Week 1 - Term 3

Julie Bassett —

We like to celebrate the achievements of our tamariki being active. If your child has made an achievement we would love to hear about it. Please send an email with the achievement details and a photo if applicable to Miss Price:

Year 5 and 6 Winter Tournament

Next week the Netball Red, Hockey Red, Football Red and Rugby Red teams are invited to compete in the South West Zone Winter Tournament held on Tuesday 30th July in Hagley Park. Parents, please ensure you have completed the google permission form that was sent to you. Children will receive their tracksuit top and final notice at the end of this week.

Uniforms; Tracksuit tops

If your child has been issued with a school uniform tracksuit top for cross country, gymnastics or the South West Zones basketball Tournament can you please return it to Miss Price in Rm3a ASAP.


Congratulations to Sapphire Prisk got her yellow belt in karate last term. What an awesome achievement Sapphire- Tu meke! 

Upcoming dates

Term 3

Week 1 Friday- Winter sport resumes

Week 2 Tuesday 30th- July Winter Tournament; Hagley Park

Week 9: Team Mokihi athletics competition- actual date TBC closer to the time