Denise Torrey — Oct 29, 2023

On Tuesday night it was a delight to see our Senior Choir perform at the Town Hall.  There is no doubt that Christchurch has very talented tamariki with the large numbers in the band, orchestra, senior and junior choirs. Our tamariki were a credit to our kura.

On Wednesday next week we have a busy day with 45 of our senior tamariki competing in the Zone Athletics at Nga Puna Wai Park. Best wishes to these tamariki and we hope the weather holds for them!!

 In the evening those tamariki who can make it, will perform at Kahukura Schools Maunga Teitei, cultural performance. See details further in the newsletter. This is a wonderful celebration of performance by tamariki across the cluster and not to be missed. Bring a picnic and we'll see you there.