Denise Torrey — Mar 29, 2022

Updated cases for the week


Monday - 7 positive cases and 37 active cases

Tuesday - 3 positive and 20 active cases

Wednesday - 6 positive and 21 active

Thursday- 2 positive and 20 active

As of today 92.2% schools in the Canterbury area have had cases and 17% of the student population.

At this stage we have managed to maintain our bubbles as we have been able to get enough relievers but it is like walking a tightrope. If we have too many staff away and cannot cover them in some way we will close down classes or collaborations but we will inform you quickly if and when this decision is made.

Symptoms and Absences

We are getting more information about possible symptoms of COVID in tamariki - other than the usual ones these include headaches and sore stomachs. These seem to proceed the onset of the virus.

A huge thank you to those keeping tamariki at home with symptoms and letting us know by 8:30am. This has been very helpful.

Remember if you are reporting a positive case or household contact please use the school APP and give your Day 0 dates( onset of symptoms or positive test result)

Changes to the COVID Protection Framework that Impact Schools

We are still in the Red Setting of the COVID Protection Framework but there have been some changes.

The key changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework impacting schools are:

What hasn’t changed yet, and we’ll let you know when it has - there are still no non essential visitors on site. So we will carry on with drop off and pick ups.