Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

As we watch what is happening in other kura around the mōtū, I am pleased to report that once again we have had a week of low COVID cases at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo. Our three-pronged approach - compulsory masks, ventilation, and sick tamariki and staff staying at home is helping to ensure we don't have to send classes home to work. It is important that now winter is hitting schools hard that we at Somerfield are super vigilant to ensure we get through the expected second peak. Thanks, whānau for your support! 

Next week is Matariki and there are a real variety of community events to celebrate this public holiday next Friday. At school, we are undertaking a number of Matariki activities as part of our recognition and celebration of this event. We will have everything from shared lunch, reading, art and drama, dance and poi activities as part of our celebration.

Next term we have Whānau Reconnecting Learning Conferences with you and your child. Usually, at this conference, your child spends time sharing their learning with you and then you have an interview with the teacher. Due to COVID restrictions, we have changed things and you and your child will have a 10 minute interview either face to face or digitally with the teacher. Detailed information about the conferences, preparation for the conferences, and how to book will come out at the end of the term. The Conferences are on 1 and 2 August.

Best wishes to our cross country team (below) who will compete at the Central Cross Country next Wednesday. 

Good luck - Anna Evans, Guy Moore, Pedro Machado Wada, Hazel Rutherford, Penny Ingram, Mia Croft, Jesse Laurie, and Freddie Panckhurst

Assemblies: Our SMART assembly is on Friday 8 July 2pm. Whānau who have a child being presented a SMART award will be invited to this assembly. Masks must be worn. You will find out the week before if this affects you.

Next term we have assemblies every second week and once again whānau who have a child receiving a Principal's Award will be invited to the assembly. This will change if we move to the Green Setting.

Friday, 24 June - Matariki - SCHOOL CLOSED