Julie Bassett — May 27, 2021

Dance and Drama Sessions

The Year 1, 2 and 3 students are all enjoying their Dance and Drama sessions with Sam this term. The Year 1 students have been inspired by the poems in the book Eekily Sneakily by Christchurch author Anne Hunter. They are learning to create dance shapes and movements of different garden creatures and Sam is helping them to create a dance performance.The Year 2 students are well underway with rehearsals for their performance of The Little Kiwi's Matariki by Nikki Slade Robinson. They have been busy learning lots of new songs and dances. They have also been enjoying making their own mask to wear.The Year 3 students have been exploring the idea of colours and emotions inspired by their own experiences and the book My Many Coloured Days by Dr. Seuss. They have been learning how to make freeze frames and how to use facial expressions. They are looking forward to sharing their work with you later in the term.