Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

What is happening around Somerfield

Julie Bassett —

Photos attached

NE/Year 1

This last week we had our first Athletics Day which was very exciting and lots of fun. We participated in sprints, hurdles, long jump, high jump and tennis ball throw. The Year 6 tamariki were fantastic helpers and role models for us.

We have also talked a lot about what makes us special and different. Some of our families come from different countries and this is one of the things that make us special. We have looked at the flags and foods of different countries and have had a go at building different landmarks from around the world.

Finally, we have been working at being a kind friend and talking about what this looks like. We think it means smiling and saying ‘hello’ to others, including others when we are playing and making sure people are okay if they are hurt.

Year 1

Spaces 8 and 9 have been learning about different cultures. We have been enjoying looking at the hexagons whanau have made with their tamariki. During our fitness sessions we are preparing for the cross country. In Te Reo we are working on learning family names and our Mihimi

Year 2

Spaces 6,7 and 8 have been learning about different cultures that we have in our school. We have been reading a book about Chinese New Year and have made dragon puppets. We have also been writing recounts about our Athletics Sports last Friday as well as training for our Cross Country next week.

Year 3

During the second part of the term Spaces 16, 17 and 18 have been working with Sam during our Creatives sessions. This week we have been learning more about two of the characters, Meathook and Herb the Dragon. The tamariki have been creating dinner menus for them focusing on including alliteration in the dish names. Kopapa Ropu participated enthusiastically in our sprints races on Monday afternoon. Our Shared Reading Big Books have focused on other cultures and diversity.

Year 5

The last few weeks have been action packed in year 5.  As part of our math learning we have been focusing on how to use different length rulers to accurately measure distances. We started by designing our own paper planes, flew these outside, and then calculated the total distance and the average distance for our plane. During Literacy time we have been learning how to write instructions and all about imperative verbs. As part of our deep learning we have been learning about respect and what this looks like in different cultures around the world. Part of respecting others is learning about other people and who they are. To express our own culture and to acknowledge the kaitiakitanga of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, we have been creating visual pepeha for art. The tamariki in year 5 have also been training hard for the upcoming cross country and look forward to competing next week!

Year 6

In Math we have been learning to create and follow algebra rules for repetitive shape patterns. We have noticed increased perseverance and stamina in running the cross country course as we gear up to the event next Friday. For literacy we enjoyed researching a country we have a connection to, and making board games about it, as part of our focus on diversity. These will be shared as part of our World Expo in the last week of term. Lots of problem solving and collaboration has been practiced as we explore using Epro equipment and our team set of Spheros.