Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Congratulations to all our diversity poster winners. I enjoyed reading them and seeing the different ways our tamariki represented their heritage. The diversity theme will continue with the staff on Teachers Only Day with a Master Chef competition during our lunch hour. We have been divided into our work group teams and each team has had to choose a nationality from their area of the school. They will cook a dish from that country. You will get to see the videos!!

We have been fortunate that we have been able to carry on with our athletics. Our tamariki always enjoy this day and the weather has held out for us. 

The good news from the Prime Minister's announcement that will  impact on us is the restrictions being lifted on outside gatherings. We are looking forward to seeing our community for our next big event which is the cross country on Friday 8 April.

At this stage we stay in Red setting which means only essential visitors in schools during the day except for "events". So for now drop offs and pick ups will remain. This may change with some updates to the Red setting in the next health order and we will keep you posted. If you need to talk to a teacher please email them and a zoom can be set up.

It has been interesting monitoring our positive COVID cases. The start of the week had seen a big increase for us but at this stage they have dropped and plateaued. Our initial trends have dropped off. The Ministry of Education has informed us that the rest of this week and next are likely to be our peak. 

Speaking to other schools we have got away lightly so far with staff illness in general.  Long may this continue as finding relievers is becoming increasingly difficult in the city. Staff are essential to us maintaining single cell class bubbles which are one of protective factors of against increased COVID cases. This along with ventilation, hygiene practices, sick tamariki and staff remaining at home when unwell and mask wearing all ensure less spread of any illness at this stage.

If staffing and increased cases does become an issue we will have to look at such strategies as joining or closing classes. Thanks for your support in keeping sick children at home.

A reminder to parents that you MUST keep your child at home until Day 8. We will ring you on Day 7 to see how things are going. They cannot return unless they have been symptom free for 48 hours. 

Thank you to Mrs Englefield who has set up our delivery service of devices and or hardpacks for those who are required to isolate.  Anne in the library has been helping with this and earlier in the week, Jane Sewell joined the team. Jane will be running this service now as Mrs Englefield is back in supporting classes.