Julie Bassett — Oct 22, 2019

Please find the criteria for the awards given out at our final Assembly.

Art Award

1 senior student

Criteria - The year 6 student who over their time at Somerfield has demonstrated

participation and/or ability in multiple disciplines with ‘the Arts’

Citizenship Award

1 senior student

Criteria - The year 6 student who over their time at Somerfield has demonstrated that they have the following attributes – or a combination of the following attributes

i.e stands out as being a valuable citizen of our community

● Willing participation in school activities- Sports/Art

● Willing participation in school events – house days etc

● Demonstrates SMART values in class and playground

● Demonstrates respect towards others

● Demonstrates respect towards the environment

● Participates in activities outside of school

The Joe Walker Award

1 senior student

Criteria -Joe was a dearly loved and respected caretaker at Somerfield. After his passing his family asked that this award be presented to a student who has shown perseverance and resiliency.

This person will have faced some form of difficulty during their schooling and persevered to be the very best that they can be.

Maori Leadership Award

1 senior student

Criteria -This is given to a student who participates fully in te reo and kapahaka and demonstrates respect for tikanga Maori. This student will have demonstrated leadership in these programmes and all celebrations throughout the year.

Hooft Family Academic Award

Year 6 student

Criteria - Awarded to a year 6 student who

● Consistently has a high performance in all academic areas

● Consistently strives for excellence in all that they do

Sports Award

Overall sports Girl and Boy

Criteria - This award is based on sporting achievements within Somerfield school as well as sportsmanship, fair play and leadership shown within different sporting areas. It will including school, zone and central team representation.

Class Annual SMART Awards

1 boy and 1 girl from each class

Criteria - This is presented to one boy and one girl in each class who throughout the year consistently demonstrated SMART values, both in and out of the class. This award is decided by the teacher/team.

This student may have received a term SMART award but not necessarily.