COVID - 19- Important messages

Denise Torrey —

Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo is trying to provide some certainty in things we can control in very uncertain times.

If children are unwell please keep away from school

We are now having to look at a number of events that will not take place at this time. Our various athletics and cross country events are postponed. For the children’s well being they will still participate in an event as a practice run until the real event. They can wear their house T-Shirt to this practice event but it is not a community event /competition. So please do not come.

Talking to children and young people about COVID-19

Given the rise in the number of reported cases, there may be children or young people in your life who experience distress. As a trusted adult, you can help reassure and educate them about COVID-19 – it can be good to talk to them now, so they can understand the illness and be reassured.

See some good information attached at the bottom of the page.

School Closures - this is from the Ministry of Education

Reminder – schools remain open

At this stage, we are not expecting widespread school closures. We are planning for temporary closures, like what is happening at Logan Park School but as the World Health Organisation has confirmed, the risk to children remains low and parents should continue to send their kids to schools and early learning centres.

Consequently any decisions about school closures will be made on a case by case basis. In the meantime, unless students are unwell themselves, then parents should keep sending them to schools and early learning centres as these environments continue to be safe and the best place for them to continue their learning.

We won't be the ones to decide if there is a closure. It will be done in Consultation with Health and Education Ministries.

Here is the Ministry of Health Website which gives up to date information.


At present we are trying to put certainty in uncertain times.
This means schools are having to change the way we do things.

We are having to postpone trips that involve children being in buses and activities that put us at greater risk.

This time feels very familiar to me as we had to do the same after earthquakes and for a year there were things we didn’t do. This may happen this year . At that time we survived not having the activities and I know, even if we are disappointed, that we will cope again!

At this time we postponing
• Our Place based Learning Trips
- Kahukura – Year 2
- Rahuri River – Y3
- Tuahiwi Marae – Y4
- Museum – Year 5
- Kaiapoi Pa - Y6
• Year 5/6 Camps – these have been rebooked and parents will get more information tomorrow
• Kahukura Digital Citizenship Workshop for Parents- 30 March
• Kahukura Chorale and Music festival
There will be no sausage sizzles until further notice.
Athletics and Cross Country has been postponed
Our Key Message stay the same
• Practice good hygiene – hand washing, sneezing and coughing into crook of arm, no hugs, handshakes and hongi.

Keep children at home if they are coughing , sneezing or have a tummy bug( 2 days stand down after last symptoms). If you feel children are sickening for something DON'T SEND TO SCHOOL.

We need all children to have a drink bottle so they don’t need to use the drinking fountain.

Denise Torrey