Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

It has been a busy term and rather frenetic in the last week or so with Place Based Learning trips, Kōpapa choir rehearsal and Cross Country.  A special thanks to the many parent helpers who help us make these trips and other activities (including binding books) happen throughout the term.

Yesterday we sent home your child's Nga Toi athon information and sponsor card. Can you please discuss with your children? This is the PTA's biggest fundraiser for the year so we need your support. The activities are all great holiday activities so have some fun with your children. Check out Roger from Space 16. He has got stuck in straight away. See the video below.

Next term the PTA will fund all our adult helpers on camp and every child to attend the NZ Playhouse performance. Thank you PTA.

To celebrate our SMART Kids for the term there is a SMART assembly 2:15pm on Friday, 16 April. We look forward to celebrating these tamariki with you.

I hope you manage to find some time with your children in the holiday break. Next term starts with a whizz and a bang (as always) with lots happening. Happy holidays.

Roger's video https://youtu.be/Mi_H9QL1pFw