Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.


We are well organised for each of the Alert Levels and we will keep you posted. There is likely to be  a change in some of our procedures due to this variant being highly contagious.

If you need a device please fill in the survey by 5pm Friday. We have moved this forward to ensure we are ready for zooming if we are at Alert level 3 or 4. We are being strict about the close off of the survey as we will only be allowed on site for a certain amount of time to distribute devices.


Here are our tentative plans but are dependent on the Prime Minister's announcement on Friday.

Alert Level 4:

Devices will be distributed from school at a certain time on Monday, if you have filled in the survey we will let you know the arrangements. You will require a face mask.

Zooming will begin on Tuesday. Your class teacher will be in touch.

Our workspaces will be in place and our website will have other resources.

Monday only workspaces are available.

Alert Level 3:

As above

A survey will be sent after the PM's announcement on Friday night and will need to be completed by 5pm Sunday, 22 August if you need to access Bubble School. Bubble school is only for children who can’t be supervised at home by an appropriate person at Alert Level 3. Further information will be sent after we receive the survey information.

Alert Level 2:

All tamariki are expected to return to school but as this variant is highly contagious we will be much stricter as to who can enter the school grounds.

Sick children MUST stay at home.

Everyone must contact trace if they need to enter the grounds. You will need to drop your child at the gate and we will ensure they safely get to class. We would ask that if we are going to Alert Level 2 that you prepare your child for the drop off. In our experience most of our tamariki handled this extremely well.

We will put our updated safety plans on the website in due course.

Spring Fever Disco will go ahead at Alert Levels 1 and 2. See further in the newsletter.

On a more positive note. It's been another busy week with a group of tamariki competing in the Ski Competition at Mt Cheeseman last weekend. Congratulations to Poppy Askew who was 3rd in her event. The rest of the team were Charlotte Chinn, Freya Askew, Anna Evans, Angus Ensor and Guy Moore

We also had two teams compete at the Basketball Centrals.

The Literacy Quiz that was meant to be tonight has been postponed and we will let you know the new date shortly.