Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Today's newsletter contains a profile on Rowan Lockton, our Deputy Principal / SENCO.  At the end of this year Rowan retires and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank her for her service to the Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo community since her arrival in 2010.

Early in her time with us we had two major earthquakes that changed the city and our schools in ways we could not imagine. Rowan's contributions as part of the senior leadership team helped get the school up and running, ready for all to return.  At the time I was also supporting colleagues in other schools so appreciated that when I wasn't at school that Rowan was part of the team who kept the place humming.

We have also been able to share some of Rowan's expertise when the Mana Ake Wellbeing project for children was set up in Canterbury. Rowan was used to working in our cluster and collaborating with SENCO's from other schools. On this basis I asked her to work with clusters of schools across Christchurch to help them set up processes to implement the project. Rightly so, Rowan is highly respected throughout Canterbury for the work she carried out on setting up this project as she had an immediate impact on the work of other schools.

Personally, I have appreciated Rowan's child focused approach and wisdom. I have many local and national roles and know that the school is in very safe hands when I am not here. Whether it is the day to day work of a DP or SENCO, or one of the many traumatic events that have happened in Christchurch and now the world, Rowan takes a pragmatic approach. She likes working in a group to find the solutions to the myriad of issues that come our way.

Over the years, in her role of Special Needs Co-ordinator, Rowan has developed systems, trained teachers and learning support staff and supported hundreds of tamariki and their whānau. She is highly respected by our staff, community and across Christchurch.

Once again, I'd like to thank Rowan for her amazing service to our school community and wish her well in her retirement.