Denise Torrey — Aug 24, 2020

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all

Power to the Kids! Alert Level 2 isn't going to keep the Somerfield Kids down, in fact they continue to thrive. Even with the grim news that swirls around us our tamariki continue to be a wee ray of sunshine!

Congratulations to our Epro8 STEM team who are going to the finals next week at Kirkwood Intermediate. Best wishes for this event Lucy M, Penny L, Zoe R and  Isla E.

Also congratulations to Noah G and Charlotte B who presented their proposal for remediating Selwyn Street. See the details and their presentation in another article. We are extremely proud of the way you represented your school and showed the A in SMART!

Contact Details

We are discovering some of you have changed your contact details. We need to have current - names, cell numbers and addresses at all times so if you can please email if and when you make changes please.

School APP

This APP is the main way we keep you updated with short, as they are happening, about to happen messages and it is also how we deliver your child's learning snapshots as they happen. Please turn on the notifications so you know what is happening. If you are having difficulties with the APP please contact Kellie Englefield, the teacher in charge. See article with more details.