Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

COVID Update

Denise Torrey —

Term 3 - we remain in orange

This term will possibly prove to be as challenging as the end of Term 2 where towards the end we had high absences and staff sickness. It was notable that the junior school, where tamariki don’t need to wear masks, suffered the most.

As Canterbury still has high respiratory illness, including COVID and flu we are updating you on our measures to prevent illness as much as we can in our setting. We are also having reports of our staff and community now on their second round of COVID.

Masks and Hygiene

  • Masks are compulsory for all staff and Year 4-6 tamariki. Please ensure your Year 4-6 child wears a mask unless you have contacted me about an exemption. We will be ensuring tamaiki do have and wear masks.

  • We highly encourage that Year 0-3 tamariki start wearing masks, they were hit the hardest last term with illness.

  • We have ordered masks for those that need them.

  • Masks will be worn for singing and kapahaka and these activities will only take place in the hall with bifold and back doors open.

  • There will be a number of trips this term and for two ropu, swimming. Mask MUST be worn on trips - this is everyone- Y0-6 and all adults.

  • Our staff will be reinforcing all our hygiene messages and encouraging sanitising of hands.

  • If you are visiting a class or in any of our school buildings you MUST wear a mask.

  • Unwell Children

  • Unwell children must stay at home. Please do not send children to school with coughs, running noses and other cold and flu symptoms.

Informing Us of Unwell Children

Thank you for your help with this last term. Using the APP and giving clear information meant we were able to inform class or classes if we had a high rate of a certain illness eg tummy bug.

  • If your child has COVID or is isolating please give us the date of Day 0 - this is the date of first symptoms or positive test.

  • Other illnesses, tell us what it is.

  • If your child is standing down for the 48 hours we require, let us know that too.

Isolating and Learning

If your child is isolating due to COVID we will be in touch with you about learning materials and if you live in zone, we will deliver to you. If you do not live in the zone you will need to arrange for someone from your buddy household to pick up.

Whānau Reconnecting Learning Conferences

These are on Monday, 1 August and Tuesday, 2 August. Information was sent home at the end of the term as to how to book these.

  • School will finish at 2:30pm that day. If you cannot pick up your child please email the teacher and your child will be supervised until the normal home time.

  • We are hoping to have most of these online to ensure protection for whānau and staff. If you have to attend you need to wear a mask. Hopefully being at home will enable 100% attendance.

  • There is no creche provided if coming for a conference at school

Dressing Warmly

Ventilated classrooms are one of the strategies, along with mask and hygiene measures to help manage COVID. This means classes will still use their heatpumps when cold but will have windows and doors open. Teachers all have a CO2 monitor in the class and in some, that are a bit more vulnerable, an air purifier.

  • Tamariki need to dress in layers. If they are wearing tights or polypropylene/ merino these need to be red, white or blue (no multi colours thanks). They will also need a sweatshirt AND a jacket just in case.


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