Julie Bassett — Jun 15, 2021

9 July 2021

On the 9th of July you will receive a mid-year report for your child. Each caregiver will receive the report in two ways.

1. Via the school app

2. A PDF will be emailed to all addresses that are registered at the office for school emails.

The focus of the mid-year report is Key Competencies (SMARTs), reading, writing and maths.

Key Competencies- At Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo we focus on the strengths of children. This section of the report outlines the strengths of your child. The second section outlines the next steps. These would be good to put on the fridge and maybe even make it a family goal to work on. Using the same vocabulary at school supports children's understanding of the SMART's and can also help with managing behaviors at home.
Reading, Writing and Maths- The report also includes what the child has achieved and their next steps for learning. These will be the first place to start when beginning discussions at the student led conferences at the beginning of term 3.
Other Key Learning Areas- Assessments of other key learning areas are sent out to parents via the school app in the Spotlight section.