Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Welcome to Term 3. I hope you managed to find some time with your children over the break and keep your feet dry.

During the holidays we had some work done around the school. Each year we get a survey of our trees and work is undertaken to remove dead, dying or potentially dangerous trees and branches. We also had some aluminium windows installed in Space 19 and next holidays Space 19/20 will get a lick of paint inside and outside.

This term we have a lot on, starting with Learning Journeys next week for Waka Tētē on Monday and Tuesday (2/3 August) then the following week Waka Kōpapa and Mōkihi (9/10 August). You have been sent information to book these journeys, but give our office a ring if you need a hand to book. This is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you and for you and your child to discuss the report with the class teacher and set some goals. They are NOT interviews. You can make an appointment at any time to suit you and the teacher to discuss your child.

There is a creche available in the library for these Learning Journeys.

The focus of the Learning for this term is:

Year 4-6 Creatives - sharing with whānau will be done in different ways by different colabs.

Year 1-3 Science and Visual Arts.

The term has already got off to a great start with our Epro8 Team getting 3rd place at the competition yesterday. The team worked well together to complete their challenge. Thanks to Matua Jacob for supporting this group.

Best wishes to our 37 tamariki who are competing in next week's Southwest Zones Winter Tournament. We have teams competing in football, hockey, netball and rugby.

It was pleasing to see 50 tamariki lineup for ukulele lessons with our new teachers on Tuesday. It is great to see so many budding musicians. We are still trying to find a piano teacher, so if you know anyone that can work before/after school and/or lunchtimes let Jane Brittenden know.

Please DO NOT come into our carpark and drop off your children. I witnessed a near miss yesterday and have had reports of others. The carpark is NOT a drop off.