Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

We have come to the end of another successful year at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo. When the year started we certainly didn't expect the March events to happen and as they unfolded us Cantabrians learned a lot about ourselves especially about  our tolerance and acceptance to others. I have firmly believed this is a Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo trait and the events of 15 March confirmed this. I'd like to thank the community again for the support of those of our community affected by those events and for the support we received as a school. It was therefore fitting that we celebrate the many cultures of our school at the Art Exhibition earlier this term. Our children learning to accept differences, and similarities as others, can only be a good thing as they move forward into this world.

Along with successful sporting and cultural events we had a successful year of learning!! Our theme for this year was " Deepening the Learning". With a focus on greater student agency we certainly achieved this with two very successful units getting children to dig deeper into their thinking and understanding. The "Enterprise" unit contributed to our landscape design which we are excited to share with you next year and of course we are growing more scientists which has got to be better for the future!

At this time of year we are all about farewells and thank yous. At Friday's assembly we will officially farewell our Year 6 tamariki, Miss Blanch, Miss Price and other tamariki who are moving on. Our Year 6's leave to move to the next adventure in their schooling. We wish them all the best.

Miss Blanch takes up a Deputy Principal's role at Redcliffs and Miss Price moves to a new challenge at Selwyn House. I'd like to thank you for your huge contributions. Abby has been here as long as I have!! In fact she was one of my first appointments as Principal. I think you'll agree that I did a good job!! She is our literacy and curriculum expert and will be sadly missed.

Sarah took on the sport role after Jo Lidstone left and has done an outstanding job with her calm organisation. She is an energetic classroom teacher who has taught across the school, building her practice as she went. Sarah is ready for something new and we wish her all the best at Selwyn House.

Somerfield is supported by a board that I would characterize as tamariki focused, not in isolation, but as they sit in their community. They truly believe in the village bringing up the child. Yes, they have to help me worry about money, buildings and policy but it always comes back to "the heart of the matter" our tamariki. I'd like to thank Stephanie Muller and the team for their support of all of us this year especially as we were looking after two schools!

When I'm talking to groups about our school I also like to talk about our supportive PTA. Once again, they focus on what is good for the tamariki. They do more than raise funds in a fun way (although they do this well) they support the school in a number of ways.

A huge thank you to the fantastic staff at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo including teachers, learning support staff, office, library and caretaker. They work very hard to ensure that your tamariki are at the very centre of all of our decisions.

They are caring, fun loving and inspiring, always ensuring your child’s time at school is the very best. This year they have been the unsung heroes in the support of Te Komanawa Rowley. They have got on with things here at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo and enabled us to complete a huge programme of work. I'd  like to thank Abby, Karen, Rowan, Daniel, Anne, Julie, Lisa and Candace for their very practical support for Te Komanawa Rowley. The bulk of the work fell to Abby, Rowan and Karen but we were all well supported by the home team.

Kahukura Community of Practice

Kahukura had another successful year with both a music festival and a cultural festival again this year. Another highlight for the cluster was the music chorale. Once again the Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo children were successful in the speech competitions.

Redevelopment Project

A reminder that our school is a building site over the holidays with workmen and their vehicles coming and going. Children are to stay out of the enclosure and be mindful of the extra traffic while playing at the school.

Te Komanawa Rowley

On Tuesday night the Somerfield Team joined the Rowley community to celebrate the success of their tamariki. It was a delightful evening. Congratulations to Daniel Caigou who has been working with the senior classes for the last two terms. The children did themselves and Daniel proud with their performance and farewell haka.

Holiday Security

It is important that you encourage your children to play safely and appropriately at school during the holidays . If you see anything un-towards contact Triton 3666666 or contact the police.

Merry Christmas and  Safe New Year. We look forward to seeing you back in February 2020 (please check starting date)