Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Other Important Information

Denise Torrey —

Here is some important and useful information for you to peruse.

Teacher only Days 2020

There are 4 Teacher only Days in 2020. Teachers were given days as part of their collective agreement. We have tried to work with the Kahukura schools on this but unfortunately our days don't match South Intermediate in every case.

The days are- 23 March, 29 May (Kahukura Teachers Conference), 7 September, 30 November.

These days are set aside for professional development.


All our children have a house and we encourage you to buy the house t-shirt. Every Friday the children may wear this house t-shirt to celebrate their houses. We are lucky that we have a highly motivated group of students as house leaders. The t-shirts are available from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $15.00.

School Grounds:
Please ensure your child leaves home in time to arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.45am. Our teachers attend meetings and use the time prior to that to plan and carry out preparations and the grounds are not supervised. We have noticed a number of parents dropping their children off before then. You need to provide another place to have your children supervised. Please do not come into the classrooms as there is often confidential information being discussed at meetings prior to 8.30am. We are not a babysitting service!I We would also like parents to respect the privacy of children and the teachers. Other children's information and books are not available to parents to peruse. You are more than
welcome to have a look at your own children’s learning but not the learning of others.
Clearing Bell:
At 3.10pm a clearing bell rings to ensure that everyone has gone home. Children need to wait inside the school grounds while they wait for parents so we can keep an eye on them. If they have not been picked up by 3.15pm they must come to the school office so we can help them track down their parents and so we know that they are safe.
Wheelies at School:

Children may bring their wheelies to school and ride their scooters, bikes and skateboards but they MUST have a helmet and they must be able to lock their scooters or bikes.
School Uniform:
Thank you very much for ensuring your children are smartly dressed in their school uniform for the first day of school. Please ensure that all items are labelled as this improves the likelihood of it being returned.
Sun Hats:
Remember sun hats are compulsory in Terms 1 & 4 as per our Health and Safety policy.
Children without hats are not able to play in the sun and have to remain on the walkways so please help them by checking that they have their sunhat with them.
Please keep an eye on the school calendar. It is updated regularly with events and of course through this newsletter.
Our school policies are stored on School Docs, website http://somerfield.schooldocs.co.nz. user name: Somerfield, password—smart.
The Board of Trustees:
The Board of Trustees welcome you to attend their meetings. The dates are in the school calendar and in the newsletter.
We are very fortunate at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo to have a highly proactive and motivated PTA. They are always keen to have new members at the meetings. Their first meeting is 13 February, all welcome. The PTA AGM is 19th March, 7pm in the staffroom.