Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

Life has changed once again for us. Thank you for your support under Alert Level 2. Please read the following information carefully.

Our first day under Alert Level 2 ran like clockwork, thank you whanau for your support.

There is a lot of information to read through about Alert Levels and what we need from you, but firstly I'd like to direct you to the Zone consultation. There is information in another article from the Board of Trustees and you will be getting important documents emailed to you on Monday. 

Before I launch into all the information you need to know and actions you need to undertake I'd like to congratulate our boys basketball team who won their tournament on Monday. Once again a huge thank you to Kathy Burrows and Dave Harrison for preparing our team.

Scroll down to see some events that may, or may not happen under Alert Level 2.

Please continue to keep sick children at home and if unsure contact doctor to seek advice about getting a COVID test.

Pre-Planning for Alert Level 3/4.

Today you have been sent a digital device survey. Please fill this out immediately as we need the information prior to going to Alert Level 3/4. YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL IN THE SURVEY IF YOU NEED A DEVICE. Complete by 5pm Friday,14 August (tomorrow). Last time we had some notice before moving levels, now they are moving quickly thus our preparation.

If we move to Alert Level 3 we will send out our second survey as under Alert Level 3 only those who are essential workers are able to send their tamariki to school.

When we move into Alert Level 3, our school will only be open to tamariki whose parents and caregivers must return to their physical workplace and cannot provide care for their child or children at home. If you can work at home, then you must continue to do so, and your children will need to stay home with you.

This time you ONLY NEED TO FILL IN THE SURVEY IF YOU NEED TO RETURN TO WORK. There will be a short turn around and if your child's name is not on the survey they will not be able to come to school.

As staff are in similar positions with family commitments and circumstances we must have information quickly to plan.

Lastly, our digital platforms are being readied in case we have to go into Alert Level 3/4. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE THE PLATFORM IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO.

Alert Level 2 Activities/ Events Going Ahead or NOT - at this stage


Planting Bee 10am Friday

Sausage Sizzle - children need to go outside hall (teachers will help)

Year 5 Group walking trip

Book Fair - we will do contact tracing at the library

Uniform Shop


Full School Assembly

Friday Sport

Maybe or Don't Know Yet


Book Parade

Zone Winter Sport Tournament

Friday Sport (next week)