Julie Bassett — Jun 28, 2023

Mānawatia Matariki!

Happy Māori new year to you all. Over the last two weeks our Somerfield tamariki have been performing Matariki kapa haka performances. In Years 1,2,5 and 6 we were visited by 7 early childhood centres from around our school community. Many of our childrens old pre school teachers were in the audience. After the kapa haka performance our Year 5 and 6 students worked with a centre and their tamariki on a Matariki activity. Many of the preschool teachers commented on how nurturing our tamariki were with the younger teina. Ka pai Somerfield kids!

Watch the video of the performance by clicking here

In Years 3 and 4, in the spirit of Matariki we invited whānau and a 'special person' to our kapa haka performance. There were grandparents, uncles, aunties, family friends... even a babysitter came along! The waka kōpapa students did a fabulous job of their performance and made themselves proud. After the performance it was time to head back to class to share some of their class learning from the term. Thank you to all those involved. Happy Matariki to you all!
