Denise Torrey — Sep 23, 2020

Kia ora koutou from the Board of Trustees

Community has always been a focus and strength of the school. School enrolment zones stop schools from getting overcrowded, and give children who live in the school area (the zone) a guarantee that they can go to their local school.

The Board is currently consulting on a change to the zone. Find out all about this on the school website. Consultation closes this Friday 25 September. You can provide feedback by contacting the liaison person appointed by the Ministry of Education to assist the Board. This is Tom Scollard: The Board has received some constructive feedback so far (thank you), and I encourage you to get involved and submit your feedback this week.

The school has received some interest in an out of zone ballot for Term 1 2021. To assist for planning purposes, I have set out below a possible timeframe for this to occur below, subject to the outcome of the current consultation, and the Ministry’s approval of the Board’s final recommendation.

Note that children who are younger siblings of current students of the school, whose address becomes out of zone if a zone change is approved, will be able to attend the school anyway, without needing to apply via the ballot for out of zone students, under the Ministry’s “grandparenting” provisions.

15 October – Board meeting at which Board will resolve its recommendation to the Ministry on the proposed zone.

16-29 October - Ministry considers and approves or otherwise Board's recommendation.

30 October – Board meeting/retreat, at which Board will formally adopt scheme following Ministry’s approval or otherwise, and the date this would take effect. Board to also consider and approve any ballot for Term 1 2021.

2-13 November – School management to liaise with families regarding any potential out of zone enrolments.

16 November - Formally advertise any ballot for Term 1 2021 (if Board approves an out of zone ballot).

7 December - Close of ballot.

8 December - Draw ballot if required.

As we reach the end of Term 3 in Alert Level One and with the signs of spring around us, I hope that the school holidays give you a chance to reflect and relax together with your children.

Stephanie Muller, Chairperson, Board of Trustees