Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

We have had a very successful bookfair with Julie Welbeloved having to order more stock on the first day. It has been lovely to talk to our tamariki about their purchases and the excitement at having something new to read so thank you for your support. I'd also like to thank the PTA for organising the roster of sellers at the fair and Anne, from our librarian, for their help.

A huge thank you to Julie Welbeloved for organising the bookfair and making sure everything has run smoothly.

Tomorrow we are having a Book Character Parade, see the article for further information.

To support our library further we are having a Make a Fathers Day or other Superhero card Competition. There are prizes for each Waka and this closes next Friday, 26 August  before school. See the previous newsletter for information. This competition is sponsored by Racheal Milne from Ray White Barrington.

Board of Trustees Election

Please make sure you have your say in the Board of Trustees election. For some unknown reason some candidates profiles were left off the information sent to you. All candidates profiles are in the newsletter for you to read.

Congratulations to Kellie Englefield who is the Staff Trustee.

Sexuality Education

Next Friday you will be sent some information about the Sexuality Programme being taught at our school. The teaching of this will happen at different times for different ropu. The videos and powerpoint sent to you will give information about what is taught at each level. Most of the unit is about relationships and is taught throughout the year.

You will also be sent a form to collect your questions and a zoom link because on Tuesday 30 August 6pm we will hold a zoom for you to ask questions of our team.

Parking on Studholme Street

Sadly, this week I have had two complaints about parking across our neighbours driveways. One of our neighbours sent me a photo of a car parked across his driveway and the owner of the car made a complaint about the abuse made to them.

The incident has been referred to the Christchurch City Council as we are not traffic wardens or police.

As a school there are times that we are concerned that there is lack of respect for our neighbours and their property. Parking across driveways is not OK!  At times this has caused frustration and verbal altercations. These are also not OK! If a car parks across your property contact the Christchurch City Council and  if there is verbal abuse contact the police.