Denise Torrey — Mar 19, 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

As I've said in the past - never a dull moment at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo. This morning we had a lovely morning with Kōpapa and Mōkihi athletics, always a bit of a highlight for our tamariki. Thanks to the parent helpers.

On Tuesday our Year 6's had a wonderful opportunity to participate in a Leadership Conference organised by Mrs Englefield who is in charge of the Student Leadership Programme. The tamariki were supported by Intermediate and High School students, some who were ex Somerfield students. It was great to have them back!

The conference looked at different leaders, what made them leaders, types of leaders and leadership styles with a focus on servant leadership. We were impressed with the level of involvement and thinking. Thank you to Mrs Englefield for providing such a positive learning experience.

On Tuesday evening we had a large turnout to listen to our Mana Ake team, Heather, Amy and Marcus giving parent tips and strategies for nurturing emotional regulation in children.

This evening was well attended and we intend holding another next term on tips and strategies for parents to use while dealing with their child's worries.

Thanks to our DP, Nicky Horne for organising this evening.

Thank you for your support of our kaiako so they could attend their Paid Union Meeting this afternoon.